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  3. Project templates and adding tasks from a template

Project templates and adding tasks from a template

Do you have set processes for frequently recurring activities? If not, we highly recommend starting with project templates in Freelo. You can use the template as simply just a checklist of steps. It will help you keep the same course of action every time and never forget anything important.

Project templates help you to create projects with established processes quickly. To make everything even easier, they can also have already set due dates or sub/task assignees.

This is what a project template looks like.
This is what a project template looks like.

How to create a template

In order to use templates for individual tasks, To-Do lists, or projects, you first need to create a project template.

1. New project template

You can create a brand new project template and define the procedure by adding To-Do lists, subtasks, and subtasks. Go to Projects > All projects > click Add template.

How to create a new project template.
How to create a new project template.

After clicking Add template, you will see the form. It is similar to creating a new project. Add in your chosen name of the template and the captain.

The captain of the template should always be the user who is the owner of the paid plan and who possibly assigned you the Project manager.

Enter the template name and select its captain.
Enter the template name and select its captain.

Now you have a project template where you can define To-Do lists, tasks, and subtasks. You can also invite other users, assign them tasks, or preset due dates to the tasks.

2. Template from an existing project

In case you have a well-structured project and you know the tasks are recurring, you can create a template from it. In this case, a new project template is created. It includes:

Go to All projects and in the three-dot menu on the right click Create a template from the project.

How to create a template from the existing project.
How to create a template from an already existing project.

If you’re creating a template from your own project, you can do so in the project detail. Click the settings icon and then Create a template from the project.

How to create a project template from your own project.
How to create a project template from your own project.

3. Template from an archived project

If you archive a well-structured Project, you can easily create a Template out of it. This way, all this information is transferred into the template (just the same as when creating it from an active project):

How to create template out of archived project.
How to create a template out of an archived project.

New project from a template

To create a new project from a template, click Create a project in the top purple section.

Example how to create a new project from a template.
Example how to create a new project from a template.

After this, a form will appear where you can fill in the details of the new project:

  • The name of the project,
  • The date from which the deadlines of tasks and subtasks you have preset in the template will be set,
  • The users who will be invited to the new project (by default, users who are assignees of sub/tasks in the template will be selected),
  • Default view of the project,
  • The currency (cannot be changed later),
  • The captain (owner) of the project – this should always be the user who pays for the plan.

Confirm by clicking Create a project.

Form for creating a new project from a template.
Form for creating a new project from a template.
Captain of the Project

Remember that if you create a new project from a template as a Project manager, the captain has to be a user with the paid plan. In the part Who is the captain of this project? select your team captain.
It works just as in active projects.

Date for creating task deadlines

In the form, there is a part called Select a date from which the task dues will be created. That means you should select a date when the task’s and subtask’s deadlines start to create.

For example, today is the 5th. I set the date from which the task dues are created on the 15th. In some tasks, I have preset due dates of -10, -5, -1, +1, +5, and +10 days. The real due dates of these tasks will be on the 5th, 10th, 14th, 16th, 20th, and 25th.

New To-Do list from a template

You can add one or more To-Do lists from the project template with:

  • tasks and subtasks,
  • assigned users,
  • due dates.

Go to the list of tasks, click the arrow, and then click Add from template… All you need to do now is just select one or more To-Do lists from the templates.

How to add a To-Do list with tasks from a template.
How to add a To-Do list with tasks from a template.

Confirm this step by clicking Paste Selected Tasks.

New sub/task from template

From the project template, you can add a task with a checklist or a procedure in subtasks. They can have a pre-assigned users, due date, and assignment in the first comment.

Go to the list of tasks and via the arrow next to the Add task button, select Add from template… and just select one or more tasks from templates.

Sample how to add one or more tasks from a template.
Sample how to add one or more tasks from a template.

Select the tasks you want to add from the list. They can also contain subtasks. If you have a due date defined in the template, set the Set up due dates from the date at the bottom and they will count from that date. Save the tasks by clicking on the Paste Selected Tasks button.

How to add a subtask

You can add an entire list of subtasks to an existing task in bulk. Go to the task detail and click on the arrow next to the green Add subtasks > Add subtasks from template…

How to add subtasks from a template to an existing task.
How to add subtasks from a template to an existing task.

Similar to adding a task, you will see a list of tasks that have subtasks. Select which subtasks you want to add to the task and confirm with the Insert selected subtasks button.

How to use templates

As soon as you have some project templates, you can find them in the section All projects > Templates.

List of project templates in All projects.
List of project templates in All projects.

Then you can add particular To-Do lists or tasks with the defined processes for running the project. Also, it helps you create multiple tasks more quickly and efficiently.

Invite users to a template

It is also possible to invite users to a template of a project. This allows you to share the template with other users who can afterwards freely use it as well.

Go to the section Users via the template detail or in any task view via the top menu section.

Click Users in the particular project template.
Click Users in the particular project template.

And click the green plus icon to invite others.

Here you can invite users.
Here you can invite users.

You can set the user’s hourly rate or appoint admin users in the template, both of which will be transferred to the project when being created from the template.

As soon as you invite users to the template, you can assign them tasks and subtasks. When you create a project from the template, the users will still have tasks assigned to them in the newly created project.

Task description in templates

In templates, you can add a Task description. You can delete or edit it whenever you wish. If you decide to delete the Task description, the field will remain blank. However, you can still view full history of all changes even after its removal.

Location of the option to delete the task description
Location of the option to delete the Task description

Set up due dates

You can set up floating due dates, for example + 7 days or −7 days from the date you choose when creating a new project from a template. In the template, you preset the deadline for a task or subtask.

Add a due date just as in a normal task. Click to the calendar icon and add a due date. Or use the keyboard to shortcut the cursor on the task + T.

How to add task a due date in template.
How to add task a due date in template.
Add the number of days (+ or −) since the task creation.
Add the number of days (+ or −) since the task creation.
Example of a task with preset due date.
Example of a task with preset due date.

What is converted from the template to a new project?

  • The structure of To-Do lists, tasks, and subtasks
  • Task descriptions
  • Sub/task assignment to other users (assignee must be invited to the template and the new project)
  • Pre-set floating due date based on the date you chose when creating a new project from the template
  • User’s hourly rate
  • Admin role
  • Relations between sub/tasks

The text form of the template

You can have every template ready in a text form.

Creating multiple To-Do lists

Go to a particular project and click the arrow icon next to the red title Tasks > Add more items…

In the following form add the To-Do list, tasks, and subtasks in the precise form:

= To-Do list name

Task name

– Subtask name

–– Checklist item name

How to add multiple items as more To-Do lists.
How to add multiple items as more To-Do lists.

Multiple task creation

Click the arrow next to Add task > Add multiple tasks…

How to add multiple tasks to the To-Do list.
How to add multiple tasks to the To-Do list.

In the following window add the tasks and subtasks. Enter a list of task names without any marks. Enter one task per each line. In case you want to add a subtask, use a dash in front of the name of the subtask and use a double dash for the subtask in front of its name.

You can also assign all of them to a user via Assigned to or add a due date. Confirm via Save.

Form to add tasks and subtasks in bulk.
Filling a form to add more tasks and subtasks at the same time.

Setting the priority, assignees, due date and comments

If you want to set up the priority just add !!number 1 to 3 behind the sub/task name. Number 1 means low priority, number 2 stands for medium priority and number 3 is a high priority for the task.

This is how you set task priority via text.
This is how you set task priority via text.

To assign the task to a user, add @@the user ID behind the sub/task name.

Setting up the solver via text.
Assigning a task to a user via text.
Where to find the user ID?

  • Via users icon in the right side of the blue top section.
  • It is the number behind the last / of the URL on each user’s profile.
  • Everywhere else in Freelo, you can just move the cursor to the user, and the URL with the user ID appears in the left bottom corner of the screen.

For adding the due date just put //due date (the number of days from today for which the due date should be set OR simply add the date, which can also contain the exact time).

This is how you set up the due date in the text template.
This is how you set the due date in the text template.

You can find more information about setting the due date via text here.

In case you need to add a task description to your sub/tasks ready in the text template, add::text of a task description behind the sub/task name.

This is how you set the first comment for the task.
This is how you set the first comment for the task.

You can even use HTML to prepare templates for task descriptions.

Using HTML for a task description template.
Using HTML for a task description template.

Template transfer

The template transfer works the same way as the project transfer. It might come in handy when Project managers accidentally create templates under their accounts or when you have a new team captain.

Go to section Projects via the top blue bar > All projects > go to the Add Project button and open the menu under the arrow > Request from users/Transfer to user.

You can transfer your own templates to another user – ideally the captain with the paid account plan – via Transfer to user. Another way is to request template transfer from the current owner to you (only if you are invited to the template) – Request from users.

Transfer a template to another user or request it and become a new owner.
Transfer a template to another user or request it and become the new owner.

Template transfer to another user

In case you want to transfer your own template to someone else, you have to click checkboxes next to the template name. Below select the new template owner > Who do you want to transfer your projects to? and confirm via Transfer selected projects.

How to transfer the template to another user.
How to transfer the template to another user.

Request a template from a user

You can request a template transfer only if you are invited to the template. Via checkboxes, select the templates that you want to own. Confirm via Request project transfer.

How to request the template from another user.
How to request a template from another user.
Updated on 7.10.2024
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