Notes are text documents related to the project. Notes help you to keep the important information related to the project such as:
- Links to all related materials.
- Attached files and pictures.
- List of important contacts related to the project.
- Reports from meetings.
- Wiki and know-how related to the project.
- Descriptions of processes and manuals.

How to create a note
Go to project detail and select section Notes. Add a new note via the green plus button.

You should name the note, write everything you need and you can also attach files and pictures to the note directly. It helps you keep client’s contact details, project assignments or ideas at one place.

Add and pin a note to To-Do list
You can create a new note directly in a To-Do list. At the bottom of the To-Do list is a button Add task. Click the arrow icon on the right > Add and pin note…

A form appears where you can select an existing note or Create new note… Just enter the note name and click Pin the note. It is immediately pinned at the top of the To-Do list.

Note editing
Any user who has access to the note can also edit it. There is a preview and editing mode. Go to note detail and choose Edit note in the right column.

Each note also has a Version history below Edit note. Anytime the note is edited by anybody Freelo shows the new version. You cannot lose any written information and there is option to renew them.

Features of notes
Pin the note to the project
As the note is pinned to the project, it is visible in the Project Detail. This makes the note visible at first glance. This is extremely helpful when you want to pin the project assignment or other important details so everyone sees them.
You can adapt the project detail as you like. Click the cogwheel icon in the Project detail > go to Project settings.

In the settings, choose what sections you want to see and in which order.

You can pin the note to a project via the detail of the note or directly through the Project detail page using the green + button next to Pinned information.

Pin a note to To-Do list
The pinned note appears as another item in the To-Do list. Thanks to the note you can have an assignment or discussion to the whole To-Do list.

A note can be written when adding a new To-Do list or anytime later via Notes > Pin to To-Do List…

Switch the view
Go to the section Notes in the particular project. Default view is set for small previews of the notes. Via the icon in the right corner you can switch between listing and icons next to each other.

Access to the note
When adding a new note it is visible to all users invited to the project. The project captain can select users who can or cannot see the note. In the right menu go to section Access to note has… and click on figure icon.

Marking a note with a star
You can mark a note with a star in the right menu. Thanks to this marking, you can easily filter your notes later using the Starred filter.

Notes marked with a star can be easily filtered in the Notes section in all projects.

Discussion and comments
Under the note is the place for comments and discussion which works just as in tasks. You can notify other users via @mention, attach files and format the text.

Follow the note
You can follow the note permanently as well as a task. Thanks to that no new comments or updates cannot be missed. In the right menu click on Follow note.
Delete note at the end.