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  3. Project settings and Pinned items

Project settings and Pinned items

Do you have important links that are related to the project? In project detail, there is a section  called Pinned items, where you can add information and assignments you want to have easily accessible at all times.

You can refer to important tasks, team rules, external document cloud or project notes. Just enter the URL address.

Project settings

If you want the pinned items to be visible for everyone, edit the listing of the project sections in project detail. Everyone will see the same list.

Go to the project detail, find the icon of setting on the right side and select Project settings.

How to setup project view for you and other users.
How to set project view for you, as well as other users.

Another way to change project settings is to open the three-dot menu on the Tasks page > Change view. This will open the project settings.

Example of changing the project view on the page with tasks.
Example of changing the project view on the page with tasks.

If you are the project owner or the admin, you can set the project view and sections for other users. If you are the invited user, you can set this for yourself only.

Tip: Settings template

With a verified company domain in Freelo, the Captain or Company Captain(s) can change the settings for all projects, as well as notification emails to multiple other users at the same tam/individually.

This is how you set the project detail for the others.
This is how you set the project detail for the others.

You can set the project detail for yourself for one project only or for all of your projects.

Choose the settings change for one or all of your projects.
Choose the settings change for one or all of your projects.

Project views

Choose how you wish to view the tasks:

In case you use the methodology Inbox, In progress, Check, Done etc. we would definitely recommend to switch the view to Kanban Board/column view.

Project sections

The sections in project detail are shown by default. The sections are:

  • To-Do lists
  • Pinned items
  • Notes
  • Discussions
  • Last project activity
  • Files
  • Users
Set project sections

First you have to set up project sections. There you can order the sections such as To-Do list, Notes or Pinned items.

And again, in case you are the project owner or admin, you can set the section view and listing for other users. If you are the invited user, you can set the view for yourself only.

You can set the view for you and the others differently. It is great when you want to see the last project activities/discussions as the Project Manager. The other sections are not as important for other users.

List the sections via drag & drop and confirm.

This is how you customise the project detail view.
This is how you customise your project.

Pinned items to a project

It is a section with important links, that help your team make their way through a project. It is useful to pin URL address for crucial tasks, notes, external document cloud or the client’s website.

Example of Pinned items at the top of the project Freelo ideas.
Example of Pinned items at the top of the project Freelo ideas.

How to pin new items

Find the section Pinned items. The link can be added via the green plus icon. Then input the URL address and name the pinned link > Save.

Pinning items to a project.
Pinning items to a project.
Updated on 27.11.2023
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