Using keyboard shortcuts helps you to speed up your work with Freelo. Click your avatar in the top right corner > Keyboard shortcuts. A modal window with list of shortcuts appears.

You will see following keyboard shortcuts:

Input of the shortcut will start requested action.
Examples of keyboard shortcuts
Add a new task
Keyboard shortcut – Alt/Optin + Shift + N.

Article how to add a new task is here.
Create a new project
Keyboard shortcut – Ctrl/Cmd + Alt/Option + Shift + P.

Article how to create a new project here.
Invite a new user
Keyboard shortcut – Alt/Option + Shift + U.

Detailed outline how to invite a new user to Freelo.
Start / Stop time tracking
Keyboard shortcut – Alt/Option + Shift + S.

More about time tracking here.
Quickly edit the followers of a sub/task
Keyboard shortcut – With the mouse cursor anywhere in the Sub/Task Detail press “F” on your keyboard

Quickly assign a sub/task to user
Keyboard shortcut –Move the mouse cursor over the sub/task (anywhere in Freelo) and press “A” on your keyboard OR press “A” on your keyboard when you’re in the sub/task detail”

Quickly add a label to the task
Keyboard shortcut – Mouse over sub/task + L or Anywhere in the detail below/on task + L
Quickly change the sub/task priority
Keyboard shortcut – Mouse over sub/task + P or Anywhere in the detail below/on task + P

Closing the sidebar showing the detail of the task on Kanban board
Keyboard shortcut – To close the sidebar showing the detail of the task on Kanban board, simply press “Esc” on your keyboard.

Keyboard shortcut – Alt/Option + Shift + F.

Quickly assign a task to yourself
Keyboard shortcut –the cursor on the task + M.

More about how to assign the task to the users.
Quick task preview
Keyboard shortcut – the mouse on the task + Q. This shortcut will display details of the task wherever you are in Freelo. Prevents from leaving the current page.

Quick change of sub/task deadline
Keyboard shortcut –the cursor on the task + T. Thanks to this shortcut you can quickly change or set a deadline for a task or a subtask.
- Up and down arrows↑↓ change the month,
- right and left arrows ← → change the day,
- T key postpones the deadline by a week,
- Enter key saves the deadline,
- X key deletes the deadline,
- and Esc key cancels changes.
The shortcut works the same for subtasks as well. Use this shortcut also on Dashboard.

You can also use this shortcut when writing new comments. Just finish writing your comment, use Tab on you keyboard, the the shortcut T and save via Enter.

Find more about task deadlines here.
Quick editing of custom fields
Shortcut key – C selects a custom field window for editing, you can then switch between individual fields using the Tab key.

Quick add menu
Use the shortcut “/” for a quick add. It means that you can directly perform these functions whilst writing a comment/task description:
- Quickly create a task and mention in the text straight away – this can come in handy when you’re creating a task assignment and suddenly remember other tasks that need to be completed – you can create them including all the attributes (the task assignee, the due date, the labels etc.)
- Quickly create a new note
- Quickly mention an already existing task, note, To-Do list etc. – simply start typing its name and pick in from the menu