Due dates are alpha and omega of effective work – not only in Freelo. You can set them for the whole project or just for specific tasks and subtasks.
You can view the due dates of tasks in the Calendar, on the Dashboard, in the project detail or under individual tasks.

All tasks and subtasks that have a due date are visible in the Freelo Calendar. Calendar is very useful when planning out deadlines when it comes to tasks and subtasks.

Project deadline
If you want to finish the entire project before a specific date, set the completion date in the project detail page via the calendar icon in the About the project section. Select a day from the calendar.
You can set up a due date in case you are the captain or an Admin of the project.

How to set up sub/task due date
Due dates can have tasks and subtasks. It can be exact date and time or floating time period (running for multiple days/hours).
If you want to remind a task later, no matter the due date, use a task reminder.
When creating sub/task
There are many ways to add a due date. One of the easiest is when creating a new task or subtask. Find Due on or Runs from – to and select the date. Confirm via Save.

Setting due date via task name
Another way in which you can set the due date for a task is to type it directly in the task name.
Just add two slashes in the task name field after the task name and the number of days you want the deadline to be set (i.e.: task name//1 (deadline: tomorrow), task name//2 (deadline: the day after tomorrow), etc.).

You can also set deadlines for due dates from-to. For this option, the text after the task title will look like this: task title//1-2 (deadlines: from tomorrow to the day after tomorrow).
Setting the due date via task name works the same for the subtasks.
You can also set the due date via task name in text templates, so you simply click Add multiple tasks… and add tasks/subtasks with due dates in their name.

Add due date to an existing sub/task
Go to a project or Tasks page and hover with the mouse over a task. After that, you will see a calendar icon. Click on it and add a due date to the task.

When you have already created some subtasks and want to add due dates to them, go to the task detail. Hover with the mouse over a subtask and click the calendar icon. After that, set it up in the calendar which appears.

Keyboard shortcut
The fastest way to setup deadline is via keyboard shortcut mouse over a sub/task + T. If the task has no due date it is set to today automatically. Then you can add days/weeks/months via keyboard arrows.
- Up and down arrows ↑↓ change the month
- Right and left arrows ← → change the day
- T key postpones the deadline by a week
- Enter key saves the deadline
- X key deletes the deadline
- Esc key cancels changes

In the Calendar
Go to the Calendar in the top blue menu section. On the left, there is a column Tasks without a due date. From this list you can Drag and drop tasks and subtasks in the calendar. That’s how easy it is to set up the due date.
You may have hidden the column Tasks without a due date. In such case, click the three-lines icon on the left.

Task with due date from – to
Create a new task and in the form choose Runs from – to. Use the calendars and time selection to set up the expected beginning and end of the task. Confirm via Save.

Reminder to change old deadline
When adding a new comment in a discussion related to a task that’s already after its deadline, Freelo will invite you to change the due date of the task.
This will come in handy for example when changing the assignee – they can be sure that they will have time to finish the task and won’t be assigned to a task which has already missed the deadline.

If you don’t wish to be reminded, simply turn this function off in your settings.