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  3. How to add subtasks

How to add subtasks

There are several ways to create new subtasks in particular tasks. In case you want to know all details about subtasks and their features check smart subtasks with deadlines.

When to use subtasks

Subtasks come in handy in following cases:

Creating subtasks for multiple assignees at once

When creating a subtask, it is also possible to add more assignees to it, which results in more subtasks being created for each one of the selected users.

Selecting more solvers to create more subtasks at the same time (the same one for each one of them).
Selecting more users to create more subtasks at the same time (the same one for each one of them).

Similarly, you can easily use your earlier created Team.

Assigning the same subtask to each member of the team.
Assigning the same subtask to each member of the team.

How to create subtasks

1. When creating a new task

When you start creating a new task, you can add subtasks to a project by clicking on Add subtasks…

Each line is a new subtask. Once you’re done, click Save.

How to add subtasks when creating new task.
How to add subtasks when creating new tasks.

2. On the task detail

In case you have an existing task in Freelo and want to add a list of subtasks, click the task name and go to the task detail. Click the green button Add subtasks.

In the following form add any subtasks you wish – one subtask per each line. Confirm this action by clicking Add subtasks.

How to add subtasks on the task detail page.
How to add subtasks on the task detail page.

TIP: Assign a user and set a deadline to more subtasks at the same time

At this stage you can assign all subtasks to one user or set up the same deadline for all of them.

Similarly, you can pick more users and that will result in the subtask being replicated and assigned to each user individually.

How to set the solver and deadline in bulk.
How to set an assignee and deadline to more subtasks at the same time.

3. In the modal window of a task

Modal window of a task (pop-up window with task details) appears via keyboard shortcut mouse over the task + Q or bubble icon on the right from the task name. The modal window saves you couple of clicks plus you don’t have to leave the current page.

Add subtasks as in previous steps – via the green button Add subtasks.

Go to Add subtasks and type particular activities.
Go to Add subtasks and type particular activities.

Close the modal window via Esc, cross the icon at the top right corner or click anywhere out of the window.

Here, you can also create the same subtasks for multiple users at the same time.

4. From a template

In case you have some project templates you can create a list of subtasks from them. Go to subtask detail and next to Add subtask click the arrow icon. Click Add subtasks from the template…

How to create subtasks from a template.
How to create subtasks from a template.

In the window that appears select a particular list of subtasks that you want to add. Click the grey arrow and choose from the list. Confirm via Paste selected Subtasks.

Add multiple subtasks from a project template.
Add multiple subtasks from a project template.

How to assign a user

Assign particular subtasks to a user so the team can cooperate. Set the user via the figure icon on the left from the task name.

How to assign solver to subtask.
How to assign a user to a subtask.
TIP: Quickly assign a subtask to yourself

Via keyboard shortcut mouse over the subtask + M, you can quickly assign yourself as an assignee.

Do you need to split the work for more assi? Subtasks are a great way to do so. Type names of your colleagues as subtask’s name and assign them to more users.

Example how to assign task to more solvers.
Example: how to assign tasks to more users.

Assigning multiple subtasks to an assignee

Do you have a list of subtasks that will be assigned to one person? In the task detail, you can assign the subtasks to one user in bulk when adding subtasks.

Click the green button Add subtasks and type subtasks for one user. In the section Who is the subtask assigned to choose a user for all entered subtasks.

Assign subtask to one user in bulk.
Assign subtasks to one user in bulk.

Using text templates to assign a task to a user

You can easily assign a task to a user with text templates using the @@userID. Each user’s ID can be found in the preview of all users as shown below.

Setting up the solver via text.
Assigning a user via text.

Text templates in Freelo can be extremely helpful! Not only can you use them to assign users, but also, for example, Priority settings or Deadline settings.

How to find out the user ID.
Preview of users where you can find each user’s ID.

Prevention of finishing a task with yet unfinished subtasks

If there are any subtask under a task, if you try to finish the task, the system will warn you and offer you to pick what you want to do next.

Warning about trying to finish a task with unfinished subtasks.
Warning about trying to finish a task with unfinished subtasks.

Personalize the settings regarding the unfinished subtasks warning

If you wish to change the settings of this warning informing you about unfinished subtasks, you can do so when you go to the Settings.

Simply scroll down the page and find a section called Application settings. Then, click the interactive window below What should happen when completing a task with incomplete subtasks? and click the preferred option.

Personalizing the settings of the unfinished subtasks warning.
Personalizing the settings of the unfinished subtasks warning.
Updated on 26.1.2024
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