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  2. Business panel
  3. Insights alias Projects, Users and Teams Overview

Insights alias Projects, Users and Teams Overview

Insights is the first page in the Business panel. It brings 3 types of overviews:

  1. Projects
  2. Users
  3. Teams

The Business panel is available for the captain of the Business plan and appointed Company captains. In case you want to try its features, turn on the 14 days testing cruise.

Insights give you an overview over Projects, Users and Teams.
Insights give you an overview over Projects, Users and Teams.
Within the Insights you can switch between sections via a bar
Within the Insights you can switch between the sections via a bar.

1. Projects

In the Projects section are only the projects you are the captain of. In the graphic view you can check:

  • Tasks after deadline
  • Active Projects
  • Incomplete Tasks
Insights of Projects.
Insights of Projects.

My company

Within the filter My company you can see the information about your own projects. If another captain appoints you a Company captain, you can see insights over their team.

Select another company/team in Other companies.

Example how to switch company insights.
Example of how to switch the company insights.

You can always see insights over one company, not all of them in a summary.

Activities in Projects

There is a list of your projects with insights. When clicked on, every value offers a detailed overview.

Activate Business panel

How to turn on the Business panel testing check here.

Filter by time period

You can set which time period you want to check. Choose from 7, 30, or 90 days or a custom period.

Time filter.
Time filter.

Project export

You can export the tab overview of the projects to CSV. It has the same form as the tab in Freelo.

Start the export via the icon Export next to the time filter.

Exporting project activities.
Exporting project activities.
Example of the exported CSV tab.
Example of the exported CSV tab.

2. Users

Here are the users invited to your company’s projects, or the users of another company in which you have been assigned the role of the Company Captain.

Users by Activities

The first overview shows the percentage of activity per user. That includes tracking the comments in discussions, completing tasks, creating tasks, due date changes, etc.

The overview tracks increasing and decreasing activity per user. The graph of Active Users shows user activity in the last 30 days and it is constant.

Users by increasing/decreasing activity.
Users by increasing/decreasing activity.

You can filter the time period you want to see.

Change time period for users activity overview.
Change time period for users’ activity overview.

At the end, there are three overviews – Statistics, Time tracking, and Activities. You can export these data to CSV or set different time periods.

Exporting the overview and changing the time fliter.
Exporting the overview and changing the time fliter.


Click the number in the tab and Freelo redirects you to the particular user. In Statistics you can see:

  • Assigned Tasks – the number of tasks created in the selected period assigned to the user is displayed here; user’s profile
  • Tasks after the deadline – shows Dashboard, where you can filter tasks by due date
  • Activities – report of the latest activities
  • Last Activity – also report of the latest activities
  • Reported hours – see Summaries
  • Reported costs – also Summaries
Statistics overview in the Insights.
Statistics overview in the Insights.

You can export the report to CSV.

Time tracking

Within the Time tracking overview are the tasks, where the user reported time or cost the last time.
You can see:

  • Reported Tasks – via keyboard shortcut Q you can see task detail
  • Time of Report – start and end of tracking
  • Running tracking – current running tracking
  • Reported finances – you can check details in the Weekly and monthly tab
Time tracking over the tasks per user.
Time tracking over the tasks per user.

Go to the detail of the tracked task by clicking on its name, bubble with the arrow, or keyboard shortcut mouse over the task + Q.

Go to detail of the tracked task.
Go to the detail of the tracked task.

If you are only interested in the current user measurements, just activate the Running tracking only feature. This will only show you a list of users who have time tracking enabled right now.

This way you can only see the measurement that is currently running.
This way you can only see the measurement that is currently running.

Users Activities

It is a report of the latest users’ activities in your project. Click the item and Freelo redirects you to the task detail. You can export the report to CSV. Click All activities of this user to see the report Latest project activities with a filter for a particular user.

Example of report with users latest activities.
Example of the report with users’ latest activities.

There is a maximum of 10 tasks visible > Following 10 activities…

3. Teams

In the last tab of the Insights section, you can easily work with teams. For example, do you have a marketing team in your company that you need to tag in a discussion and you don’t want to select all users one by one? Simply create a Marketing team, add the right members and you can start working with the team.

How to create a team

To create a new team, open your Business panel and go to section Users > Teams. Here you click the green ➕  button.

This is how you create new team.
This is how you create a new team. 

After this modal window appears and you can choose the team’s name and easily select the right members of this team.

You can also edit, deactivate or delete a team in the same place. Just click the three dot menu on the right side of the team’s line.

Three dot menu in Teams.
Three-dot menu in Teams.

Team Insights

Do you want to know how each team was doing in a specific period? In the section Insights > Teams you can easily filter the specific time which is important for you and see who worked hard and who just went with the flow.

This is how you filter the team activity.
This is how you filter the team activity.

You can also track the following for every team:

  • Activities – what the team has done in the selected period. A click will take you to the Reports > Activities section.
  • Assigned Tasks – what tasks the team is responsible for. Click on the number will take you to the Dashboard where you can see the tasks in detail.
  • Tasks after the deadline – is there anything that the team didn’t manage to finish on time? This is where you’ll see how many tasks they have missed.
  • Reported hours – how much has the team worked in the selected time? If you’re interested in more than just the number, clicking here will take you to the Reports > Cost Reports section where everything you need is already filtered.
  • Reported – here you will find the data of how much the team has already reported.

You can view all of these data for the selected period.

This is how you work with team insights.
This is how you work with team insights.

Other work with teams

You can also work with teams outside the Business panel like this::

Adding followers more efficiently.
Adding followers more efficiently.

Updated on 21.6.2024
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