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  3. Notifications in Freelo

Notifications in Freelo

The notification center in Freelo (the bell icon) works on a similar basis as, for example, on Facebook. When you have new notifications there is a red badge with a number.

You can mark them as read or unread in case you want to return to them later. The unread notifications are yellow.

Click the eye icon to mark the notification as read (white) or unread (yellow).

Notification center in Freelo with unread notifications.
Notification center in Freelo with unread notifications.

Each notification has a three-dot menu where you can set:

  1. Task or subtask following
  2. Task or subtask reminder
  3. Add task or subtask to My task priorities
Features within the notification center.
Features within the notification center.
Browser notifications

Check out browser push notifications and our new PWA app. It helps to stay tuned all the time!

When do you get notifications?

Email notifications

Some people prefer to work within email. In such cases, we would recommend setting up email notifications. They “copy” Freelo notifications but you can select which ones you want in Settings.

When do you become a sub/task follower?

You automatically become a task and subtask follower when you:

  • Create a task or subtask.
  • Comment on a task or subtask.
  • Someone assigns you a task or subtasks.
  • When someone adds you as a follower.
  • When you click Start following or Follow.

Keyboard shortcut to open a modal window

Do you want to see details of the task or subtask directly from the notification center? Use the keyboard shortcut to open the modal window with a discussion and other details.

Place the mouse over a notification and click Q. Open a modal window with task or subtask detail. There you can add comments, and attachments, change the due date, assign a user, etc.

Filter notifications

Go to the bell icon and click All.

Click All and go to the Notification list with all the details.
Click All and go to the Notification list with all the details.

The following page offers many filters for notifications. So you can check the last completed sub/tasks, changed due dates, or deleted tasks via By types…

Page with all your notifications in Freelo.
Page with all your notifications in Freelo.

Use filters when you are looking for particular activities:

  • By types…
  • By users…
  • By projects…
  • From oldest to latest…
  • Within a certain time span…

Select time span when filtering notifications

When filtering notifications, you can pick only certain days from which you want to see the notifications. Simply do so by clicking Select time span.

TIP: Do you have a lot of notifications to go through?

If you’ve not been using Freelo for a while (be it because of taking some time off or other reasons), chances are you may come back to a very high number of notifications. To make your life easier, on the Notifications page you can filter your notifications by Oldest first and then click Select time span and select the days you’ve been absent. That way, you can easily access your oldest notifications first.

Select time span when filtering notifications.
Select time span when filtering notifications.

Read and unread notifications

  1. On the page All notifications you can mark all notifications as read in bulk. Click Mark all as read in the upper right corner.
  2. Also, you can mark the notifications as read or unread via the eye icon, one by one.
How to mark notifications as read or unread.
How to mark notifications as read or unread.

Notification settings

Time restrictions or (temporary/permanent) disabling of notifications

In case you use Freelo for your job, you may want to limit notifications to your work hours. Freelo has an easy solution for these cases! Just select the times you want to receive notifications in the Notifications section of Settings.

This is how you set notifications for restricted times.
This is how you set notifications for restricted times.

If you receive a notification of the time limit, the Freelo notification bell stays quiet, doesn’t show you the notification and you can enjoy your time off undisturbed. When you get back to work, just click the notification bell and you’ll see the muted notifications highlighted in yellow.

This is how muted notifications look like.
This is what muted notifications look like.

Notification for projects

In Freelo you automatically receive notifications for all projects. If you want to receive notifications only for some projects, go via your profile to Settings > Notifications > Notifications for projects at the bottom of the page. Turn on the checkbox Only for some projects and select the projects you want to receive notifications from. Don’t forget to save your new settings!

Example of setting notifications only for some projects in Freelo.
Example of setting notifications only for some projects in Freelo.

Turning on selected notifications

Set which notifications you want to go to your bell exactly as you need them. Go to Settings > Notifications > What types of notifications do you want to receive? at the bottom of the page.

Notification types are sorted into categories:

Example of setting the types of notifications that go to the bell.
Example of setting the types of notifications that go to the bell.
Updated on 26.1.2024
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