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  3. How to create a new task

How to create a new task

There are a few ways to create a new task in Freelo. Via the plus button in the upper blue bar on the left, or add to a specific To-Do list in project detail or via keyboard shortcut wherever in Freelo.

When adding task set up:

TIP: Create a task using Quick add

There are many ways how to create a task in Freelo. Apart from them, you can also use the Quick add function and create a task whilst writing a comment/task description.

New task via Plus button

This is probably the fastest way to create a new task. In the upper blue bar click the + icon and Add task.

How to create a new task via the plus button.
How to create a new task via the plus button.

Select the Project and To-Do list where the task will be placed. Type the name of the task and possibly write down the assignment. You can also attach files, pictures or links.

Options for a new task in Freelo.
Options for a new task in Freelo.

You can directly assign a task to someone, set up a deadline, and also choose who you want to be notified in case of any updates.

Do you know you can use emoji in all texts in Freelo?

Emojis are great to highlight a name of the project or task. Have a look at how to display the Emoji panel and choose from a number of emoticons.

New task from project detail

Go to project detail, select or create a To-Do list and click Add task button at the bottom of the To-Do list. Do not forget to Save the task.

How to add tasks on project detail.
How to add tasks on project detail.
Practical tips for creating new tasks

  • Create multiple tasks – click on the little arrow next to the Add task button and select Add multiple tasks…
  • When you select a due date in the first task and assign it to the user in the To-Do list, Freelo will remember and in the new task window presets the same assigned person and due date.
  • When creating a new task, you can also add subtasks directly.
  • In comments and discussions use mentions by typing @UserName in the text box. The user will receive a one-time notification.

Create sub/tasks in bulk

On project detail, you can add multiple sub/tasks. They can be entered manually from a list of tasks that you prepare in text form or from a project template.

Use the small arrow icon on the left from Add task / Add subtask and select Add multiple tasks…

How to create tasks in bulk.
How to create tasks in bulk.

In the following window, you can enter tasks and also subtasks in bulk. It is important to keep the structure:

Task name
– Subtask name
– Another subtask name
Another task name

Example how to create tasks and subtasks in bulk.
Example how to create tasks and subtasks in bulk.

Confirm via Save.

Or add tasks and subtasks from a project template via Add from template… Appears a list of project templates and you just select the tasks with subtasks that you want to add.

How to add tasks from a project template.
How to add tasks from a project template.

New task via keyboard shortcut

Anywhere in Freelo, you can use a keyboard shortcut to create a new task: Alt + Shift + N. It allows you to simply and quickly create a task without leaving the current page.

Just select the project and To-Do list where you want the task to be placed. Type the task name and optional are other details – assign it to the user, set up the deadline or add subtasks.

Example how to add task via keyboard shortcut.
Example how to add task via keyboard shortcut.

New task via Automator script

If you are using a macOS device, you can create a new task even if you are not using Freelo at that moment. To do that for Google Chrome, you will need to follow these steps. 

First, open up the Automator app. Choose the option Quick Action and run the AppleScript.

This is how you run the AppleScript in the Automator app.
This is how you run the AppleScript in the Automator app.

Next, you will need to replace the text (*Your script goes here *) with this code:

    set myLink to "https://app.freelo.io/dashboard?createTask=true"
	tell application "System Events"
		tell application "Google Chrome"
			tell front window to make new tab at after (get active tab) with properties {URL:myLink}
		end tell
	end tell

and save the changes using the command+S shortcut.

To use the script to its full potential, you will need to create a keyboard shortcut. 

To do that, go to System Preferences > Shortcuts > Services and find your script. Then, click the Add Shortcut option to choose one that suits you.

This is how you create the keyboard shortcut.
This is how you create the keyboard shortcut.

Now, you can create new tasks via the shortcut from anywhere on your macOS.

Adding a task in the Calendar

You can double-click directly in the calendar to create a new task in any view (monthly, daily, weekly). It works similarly to Google Calendar, for example.

Double-clicking the mouse brings up a modal window to add the task. You need to select the project and To-Do list where the task will be included and enter the task name. The date will be selected automatically, depending on where you click in the calendar. You can add the assignment to the first comment, set the assignee, task follower, priority, task labels or add subtasks.

Example how to add a new task in the Calendar by double-clicking.
Example how to add a new task in the Calendar by double-clicking.

Confirm the creation of the task with the Enter key or the green Save button. Freelo remembers your last selected project and To-Do list, which can speed up your work.

You can also use the plus button to bring up the same modal window.

Example how to add a new task in the Calendar via the + button in the monthly view.
Example how to add a new task in the Calendar via the + button in the monthly view.
Example how to add a new task in the Calendar via the + button in the weekly view.
Example how to add a new task in the Calendar via the + button in the weekly view.

New task from comment in Freelo

Any comment in Freelo can easily become a task. In a few seconds you have a task with an assignment that is taken from the comment to a new task.

Within the comment click three dot menu > Create a task from a comment.

Example how to create a new task from any comment in Freelo.
Example how to create a new task from any comment in Freelo.

Then select a project and To-Do list and add a task name. You can also set the assignee, set the due date, priority, followers, or add subtasks and labels. Confirm via Save.

Add all the details you need within the task and confirm via Save button.
Add all the details you need within the task and confirm via Save button.

Such a task has a link to the original comment at the bottom of its assignment.

Example of a task created from a comment.
Example of a task created from a comment.

New task from email

Create new a task directly from email. First generate a unique email address for a particular To-Do list, where you want the task to be placed. Copy the email address and paste it as a recipient of the email. In subject type the task name. In email text type all the details/assignment. You can also add files.

Click the three dot icon on the left from the To-Do list name. Select Email for task creation… and then Generate an email for this To-Do list. The generated email paste as the email recipient.

How to create tasks from e-mail.
How to create tasks from e-mail.
Create tasks from Gmail

Do you use Gmail? You might like the Freelo Gmail addon that enables you to create tasks directly from e-mails in Gmail.

Prevention of finishing a task with yet unfinished subtasks

If there are any subtask under a task, if you try to finish the task, the system will warn you and offer you to pick what you want to do next.

Warning about trying to finish a task with unfinished subtasks.
Warning about trying to finish a task with unfinished subtasks.
Updated on 17.6.2024
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