Task overviews

Thanks to the task overview you can get a list of:

Overviews are in the section Reports > selected summary in the Task overviews section.

The individual parts of the Task overviews section.
The individual parts of the Task overviews section.

User activities

The list of the recent activities over projects is in the section Reports > User activities in the Task overviews section.

Filter activities according to their type (changed due date, deleted task, task completion, etc.), the user who did an action, project, or from newest to oldest.

It helps you to check what is happening.

List of latest activities over projects.
List of latest activities over projects.

Repeated tasks

In this section, you can find an overview of all set repeated tasks. If you remember the task name, you can use the filter and search, or filter by the project. You can also select the period from newest to oldest (meaning the time, when a repeated task has been set).

Go to ReportsRepeated tasks in the Task overviews section.

Check list of Repeated tasks.
Check list of Repeated tasks.
TIP: Do you want to see task detail?

Use the keyboard shortcut to check the detail of the task – mouse over the task + Q. If you want to edit the task use mouse over the task + E. Modal window of the task appears when you click the bubble icon/number of comments bubble on the right.

Tasks with a reminder

In the Tasks with a reminder section, you will find all tasks/subtasks for which you have set a reminder. You can filter the comments according to the name or the project in which they are located, and you can use the checkbox to hide expired comments.

Overview of Tasks with a reminder.
Overview of Tasks with a reminder.

Last deleted tasks

In this section, you can find all deleted items in the last 30 days. You can filter by the name of the item, item type, or project where the item is located and also by the newest/oldest deleted items. Via Reports > Last deleted tasks in the Task overviews section. Display the task detail via the bubble icon.

Overview of deleted items in the last 30 days.
Overview of deleted items in the last 30 days.

Which deleted items are stored?

Restore deleted item

The items can be resorted for up to 30 days since their deletion via the Restore button. Place the mouse over the item and click the button on the right.

How to restore deleted item.
How to restore deleted item.

The section Public links shows all generated public links for tasks, To-Do lists, or notes. If you remember the name, you can filter the items by name by project and type. You can also select the period from newest to oldest.

List of generated public links.
List of generated public links.

Completed tasks

In the Completed tasks section you can find the latest completed sub/tasks across projects. The list is sorted from the most recently completed sub/tasks.

The overview of the last completed tasks and subtasks across all projects.
The overview of the last completed tasks and subtasks across all projects.

How to filter completed tasks

Similarly as activities, completed tasks can by filtered by:

  • Projects – you can click Select all to see completed tasks across all projects, or only pick one/some of them.
  • Users – click on Select all or only pick individual users.
  • Date.
Filtering completed tasks.
Filtering completed tasks.


In your own completed tasks, which you can find in your profile, you can still use filters – filter by projects or date. Similarly with other users, you can see their completed tasks through each user’s profile and apply filters there.

Viewing completed task of another user.
Viewing completed task of another user.


Want to see what your colleagues last commented on? Go to the Discussion section.

Here you can find all discussions across projects.
Here you can find all discussions across projects.
Updated on 13.5.2024
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