Custom fields

If you want to add extra information to your tasks compared to the preset categories, you can use the custom fields feature. You can insert text or a number into these fields.

Custom fields are feature available only in the Business plan. If you want to try all the benefits of our Business, you can start a 14-day Trial.

How to set up a custom field

To add custom fields to tasks, you need to set them up in a project. On the project detail page, click the settings icon. From the menu which opens, select + Custom fields.

In the modal window that pops up, simply name your new custom field and select whether you will later want to enter text, numbers or any other format.

Setting up a custom field.
Setting up a custom field.

Different custom field formats

When initially setting up a custom field, there are certain formats you can choose from. This determines which further steps you’ll take when further working with the custom field on the task detail page (whether you and other users will type in text, add a date, pick from a set of options, etc.)

Format options of custom fields are as follows:

  • Text
  • Number
  • Date
  • Date and time
  • Yes/No
  • Link
  • Dropdown
How to use a dropdown custom field to vote about something.
How to use a dropdown custom field to vote about something.

Further work with the custom fields

You can add more custom fields in the project settings. Just click the + Add a new custom field button or select Save and add more when saving.

This is how you add more custom fields.
This is how you add more custom fields.

You can also arrange the custom fields as you like. Just grab them via drag&drop and move them as you wish. You can also delete the custom field by clicking on the bin icon.

This is how you arrange your custom fields.
This is how you arrange your custom fields.

Custom fields on the task detail

In the project where you have set the custom fields, you can find them in the detail of each task. You can fill in the custom fields as needed so that important information doesn’t get lost in the comments.

This is what custom fields look like in practice.
This is what custom fields look like in practice.
Do you know you can use Keyboard shorcuts to navigate custom fields?

Use the keyboard shortcut C to select a custom field. You can then use the Tab key to switch between individual custom fields.

Custom fields on the Dashboard

You can also filter by custom fields on the Dashboard. You can find the filter for custom fields at the bottom of the filter table.

You can filter by specific custom fields and their contents.

You can filter task with specific budget like this.
You can filter tasks with a specific budget like this.

Select a specific custom field that is set in your projects and choose via the condition settings whether you want to see all tasks where it appears or only those where it is filled in or has specific content.


Updated on 12.6.2024
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