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  2. Work with To-Do lists
  3. How to edit a To-Do list

How to edit a To-Do list

When editing a To-Do list you can:

  • Change the name of a To-Do list
  • Assign all tasks to one user
  • Add the same due date for all the tasks
  • Add budget for To-Do list if you are a captain or Admin of the project

Editing a To-Do list is available via the pencil icon on the right from its name (when you hover over it with the mouse cursor).

How to edit a To-Do list.
How to edit a To-Do list.

After that, you can set a certain due date for all the tasks in this To-Do list or you can assign one user to all the tasks. The assignee and due date edit applies to existing tasks only. Confirm via Save button.

How to change the default task assignee and other parameters in a To-Do list.
How to change the default task assignee and other parameters in a To-Do list.
Updated on 31.5.2024
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