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  3. How to download files in tasks/comments

How to download files in tasks/comments

File downloading from a discussion is very easy. You can download one item or all attached files in one comment.

When you click the file name, downloading starts immediately. Another way is via three-dot menu > Download file.

How to download one file in the comment.
How to download one file in the comment.

In case you have more than one file in one comment (documents, pictures etc.) you can download them at once. Via three dot menu click Download files in comment.

How to download multiple files in one comment.
How to download multiple files in one comment.

All attachments will be downloaded in a .zip file.

How to download all files at once

Do you have a lot of attached files to a task? You can download all of them in a .zip file at once.

Go to task detail and click Download all files in the right menu.

How to download attached files to a task at once.
How to download attached files to a task at once.
Updated on 25.7.2024
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