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  2. Work with To-Do lists
  3. How to archive or delete a To-Do list

How to archive or delete a To-Do list

When a To-Do list is not needed anymore, it is possible to archive it. Archived To-Do lists can be restored anytime, including the entire history. Feature Archive is available for each To-Do list. In case you want to delete a To-Do list you have to archive it first.

Archive To-Do list

Every user invited to a project with access to the To-Do list can archive it. Go to project detail and via the three-dot menu next to the To-Do list name find the last option Archive To-Do list.

Right after archiving a To-Do list, you can undo the action via the orange notice at the bottom > click here.

Click on the three-dot menu and select the Archive To-Do list in the menu.
Click on the three-dot menu and select the Archive To-Do list in the menu.

How to restore archived To-Do list

All the archived To-Do lists are at the end of the To-Do list section under the title Archived To-Do lists. You can restore the list anytime and all the details are maintained.

Click the To-Do list name. You can check all the tasks and also decide whether you want to restore or delete the To-Do list.

How to restore archived To-do list.
How to restore archived To-do list.

Delete To-Do list

Only archived To-Do lists can be deleted. After the archiving To-Do list, it can be restored or deleted definitely.

First archive the To-Do list as described above. Then go to the section Archived To-Do lists and click the To-Do list name. In the red upper row click on delete it permanently.

In the following window confirm the action via Delete or Cancel.

How to delete archived To-do list.
How to permanently delete an archived To-do list.
TIP: List of deleted items

Time to time you can check all the deleted items such as tasks, projects, To-Do lists or notes.

Updated on 27.11.2023
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